
First and foremost, I want to believe these are gonna be more than just another funny strip comics for you. These comics were created by three authors (though only one currently draws on a regular basis) more than five years ago. We were inspired by C & H, xkcd, Wumo and SMBC and decided that we can do no worse than that too. Even when we realized we can't actually draw, it was too late for us to stop.
Long time afterwards we decided that we have something to show to the wider audience, so we started translating our comics into English. This is the result of our work in humor and in translation. Due to the fact that we are still bad at drawing and editing, for now we only translate strips from one author - killallhumans. We will be happy if you'll fix our grammar mistakes (feel free to join, grammar nazi), we sincerely want this translation to be better.
You can also read us on tumblr, fb, g+, smackjeeves, comicfury and follow us on twitter, but we always have one strip more on the official site ;)



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